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Case studies > Top tips > How to run an effective QI project

How to run an effective QI project

University of Manchester & Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
  1. Set a clear, measurable, time-constrained target for your project. Make sure it’s something to inspire the team to get ‘buy-in'.
  2. Set up rapid collection of data so you can continuously monitor performance, tapping in to existing data collection through SSNAP as far as possible. Don’t be tempted to collect additional data unless you really need it. Data collection can become very time consuming if you overdo it, but it’s essential for quickly working towards your goals. It’s important to get this balance right.
  3. Publicise your project as widely as possible and make sure you get key local leaders on your side (senior managers and clinicians). They can help remove barriers that you will encounter.
  4. Celebrate success with the wider team. Let them know when things are going well as positive feedback can be very encouraging. Likewise, involve others in the project.

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