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Patient information > Resources for providers

Resources for providers

We have produced the below ward posters which are ideal for sharing within hospitals or by community teams:

For England & Wales:

 For Northern Ireland: 

Patient leaflet, information sheets and consent forms

A patient leaflet and information sheets to share with patients are availble under Information sheets on the left-hand panel, detailing how we collect and use stroke patient data. The information sheets include consent forms that can be used to record consent during the patient's stay or during the six month review.

SSNAP patient leaflet for England & Wales
This can be displayed by stroke teams in wards and rehab units. It is used to inform the public, patients and carers about SSNAP in general. This should not be used to inform consent.
Information sheet & consent form for patients in England and Wales This can be shared at any stage in the patient's pathway to inform the patient of how their data is collected and used by SSNAP, and can be used to inform consent. A consent form is available at the end of the document or can be downloaded below. During the 6 month assessment it is recommended that the specific 6 month assessment information sheet is used. 
Easy access version information sheet & consent form for patients in England & Wales This is an easy access version of the patient information sheet. This can be shared at any stage in the patient's pathway to inform the patient of how their data is collected and used by SSNAP, and can be used to inform consent. A consent form is available at the end of the document or can be downloaded below. During the 6 month assessment it is recommended that the specific 6 month assessment information sheet is used. 
Information sheet for patients in Northern Ireland This can be shared at any stage in the patient's pathway to inform patients in N. Ireland of how their data is collected and used by SSNAP. 
6 month assessment information sheet & consent form for patients in England & wales This can be shared during the patient's 6 month assessment to inform the patient of how their data is collected and used by SSNAP, and can be used to inform consent. A consent form is available at the end of the document or can be downloaded below.
Easy access version 6 month assessment information sheet & consent form for patients in England & wales This is an easy access version of the 6 month assessment patient information sheet. This can be shared during the patient's 6 month assessment to inform the patient of how their data is collected and used by SSNAP, and can be used to inform consent. A consent form is available at the end of the document or can be downloaded below.

Consent forms:
Standalone consent forms are available to download below. Consent forms can also be found at the bottom of each patient information sheet.

Consent form for patients in England & Wales to be used before or during 6 month assessment 
Easy access version consent form for patients in England & Wales to be used before or during 6 month assessment  


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Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
Kings College London
Addison House
Guy's Campus


0116 464 9901