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Patient information > Research using SSNAP data

Research using SSNAP data

Researchers may apply to use select data that is already collected by SSNAP.

There is a very strict process which covers these types of requests, including that a panel of stroke doctors must agree that the proposal has research value and will help to further the understanding of stroke care.

The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) are the joint data controllers of the SSNAP data, alongside:
  • NHS England (NHSE) for England data
  • Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) for Wales data
Researchers apply to HQIP for access to the data. 

To maintain the confidentiality and security of patient information the data we provide to third parties is either anonymised or pseudoanonymised and so patients cannot be re-identified by the third party. The only exception is if the third party has consent from patients or has section 251 approval to use confidential information. 

The National Data Opt-Out will be applied to any confidential patient information used for research purposes. Read more on the National Data Opt-Out here: 

More detailed information on the SSNAP data request process is available here:

A list of already published papers that used SSNAP data, organised by year, is available here: 

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Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
Kings College London
Addison House
Guy's Campus


0116 464 9901