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Patient information > Information sheets

Information sheets

For patients in England & Wales:   

For an introduction to SSNAP, the data we collect and what this means for you, please see the leaflet below.

To find out how we collect and use stroke patient data, we have created a useful information sheet which can be downloaded using the button below. 
Easy access version information sheet for patients in England & Wales

Patient consent should be explicitly sought at 6 months post-stroke and we have created the below documents for use specifically during the 6 month follow-up assessments after stroke. This is available to download using the button below.
  If you would like further information on data collection and consent, we have more detailed versions of these sheets below:
Information sheet for patients in England & Wales

6 month assessment information sheet for patients in England and Wales

For patients in Northern Ireland:

No identifiable information is collected for patients in Northern Ireland and so a separate information sheet has been produced below.


Find us

Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme
Kings College London
Addison House
Guy's Campus


0116 464 9901